
152 Self-respect Quotes to Empower Yourself

Feeling a sense of self-respect is an important part of having confidence in who you are.

When you respect yourself, you give yourself the power to improve many areas of your life. This can have an impact on your relationships, your career, and your general sense of well-being.

In the following article, we have 152 of the best and most inspirational sayings related to self-respect. Hopefully, they can help you improve your sense of self-worth.



  1. Best self-respect quotes
  2. Relationship self-respect quotes
  3. Dignity and self-respect quotes
  4. Self-respect walk away quotes
  5. Love and self-respect quotes
  6. Self-respect and self-love quotes
  7. Attitude and self-respect quotes
  8. Positive self-respect quotes
  9. Ego and self-respect quotes

Best self-respect quotes

The following short quotes are some of our favorite famous quotes about self-respect. They are perfect reminders of how important self-respect is in your life. Enjoy them yourself, or share them with a friend who needs a reminder of how worthy and loveable they are.

1. “Everyone is a star and deserves the right to twinkle.”—Marilyn Monroe
2.“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”—Alexander Hamilton
3.“不要容忍不尊重,不是even from yourself.”—Shipra Gaur

4.“Eating well is a form of self-respect.”—Colleen Quigley
5. “Everyone should be their own biggest fan.”—Kanye West
6. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”—Buddha

7. ” The price of a lack of self-respect is very high over time.”—Adam Cole,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
8. “With self-respect, you can accomplish anything.”—David Barbour,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
9. “The more respect you give to others, the more you earn.”—Adam Grant

10. “Be honest with who you are. Be honest with who you are not.”—Unknown
11. “Self-respect is crucial for happiness.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
12. “You are the product of the choices you make.“—Alex Tran,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021

13. “Our relationship with ourselves forms the blueprint for all the relationships in our life.”—Susyn Reeve,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?, 2021
14. “Self-respect is an internal satisfaction and gratification, rather than the exhaustive search of seeking it from external sources.”—David Barbour,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
15.“Learn to live in this world with self-respect.”—B.R. Ambedkar

16. “Self-respect is personal empowerment.”—Yocheved Golani,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
17. “No one can diminish our value unless we let them.”—Rosalind Sedacca,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
18.“自治是自尊的核心。”—Constance E. Roland, Richard M. Foxx,Self-Respect: A Neglected Concept, 2010

19. “Self-care is not self-indulgence. Self-care is self-respect.”—Unknown
20. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”—Aristotle
21. “Respect yourself above all.”—Pythagoras


22. “Man doesn’t live by bread alone. Many prefer self-respect to food.”—Mahatma Gandhi
23. “Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.”—John Herschel
24. “Don’t compare yourself to others. If you do, you are insulting yourself.”—Unknown

25. “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.”—Oprah Winfrey
26. “Happiness is not something that is ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”—Dalai Lama
27. “Stop quitting when it gets hard.”—Tom Bilyeu

28. “Never trade respect for attention.”—Mel Robbins

You might also be interested in this article abouthow to get others to respect youmore.

Relationship self-respect quotes

Losing self-respect in a relationship can be the result of you prioritizing someone else’s needs above your own. In your relationships, it’s important that you understand your worth and are willing to stand up for what you know you deserve. Hopefully, the following quotes can inspire you to take care of yourself first.

1. “I would rather be alone with dignity than in a relationship that requires me to sacrifice my self-respect.”—Unknown
2.“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.”—Miguel Angel Ruiz
3.“I had no respect for myself. I did not love myself because no one had ever loved me.”—Alex Tran,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021


4.“In order for love to exist, respect must be present.”—Jessica Elizabeth Opert,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
5. “People with self-respect maintain their individuality when they get into relationships.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
6. “You are a combination of the people you spend the most time with. Respect yourself enough to make sure those people are positive influences.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019

7. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”—Maya Angelou
8. “A person who struggles with self-respect is likely to have trouble in their relationships, not asserting themselves, being pushed around or taken advantage of, and is quite unhappy.”—Jesse D. Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
9. “When you know who you are and how much you’re worth, you will not let anyone, and not even your partner, treat you as a doormat.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019

10. “Self-respect is the foundation of all strong and healthy relationships.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
11. “Never ever compromise on self-respect, and do not lose yourself in the process of chasing others.”—Unknown
12. “If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.”—Maya Angelou

13. “He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.”—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
14. “Carry yourself like a Queen, and you’ll get your King.”—Unknown
15.“Without self-respect, we cannot lay healthy boundaries, creating a space in which we thrive within a relationship. We also cannot truly receive the love our partners offer to us fully, as we will always question if we are truly worthy of that love, at all.”—Jessica Elizabeth Opert,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021

16. “They cannot take away our respect if we do not give it to them.”—Mahatma Gandhi
17. “I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect.”—Amit Kalantri
18.“The same goes for respect. I can only give it to someone else if I have it inside me—for myself—in the first place.”—Hanalei Vierra,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021

19. “Without self-respect, even the most well-meaning partner, who initially sees their loved one as deserving the best, will start to lose this vision and will begin to see and treat his/her partner only as well as the person values him/herself.”—Diana Lucas Flemma,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
20. “A person with self-respect treats others how they want to be treated.”—Jesse D. Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
21. “Once you feel you are avoided by someone, never disturb them again.”—Unknown

22. “What’s your superpower? I can un-love people if they mess with my self-respect.”—Unknown
23. “Don’t love if it costs your self-respect.”—Unknown
24. “A self-respecting woman is like the Sword in the stone; only a very special man can pull her.”—Unknown

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25. “Respect yourself, and others will respect you.”—Confucius
26. “Every relationship you have is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.”—Deepak Chopra
27. “If you want to earn respect, just be honest.”—Preethi Kasireddy

28. “The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others on how you demand to be treated. Don’t settle for anything other than respect.”—Unknown
29. “Self-respect by definition is a confidence and pride in feeling that you are behaving in an honorable and dignified manner – respect yourself by respecting others.”—Miya Yamanouchi

Dignity and self-respect quotes

Having no self-respect can have a negative impact on your sense of self-worth. When youdo not believe you are worthy of good things, you will accept less than you deserve, and this can have a negative impact on your mental health. Never forget that you, just as you are right now, deserve nothing but the best.

1. “If it’s meant for you, you won’t have to beg for it. You will never have to sacrifice your dignity for your destiny.”—Edgar Allan Poe
2.“Don’t lose your dignity and self-respect trying to make people accept, love, and appreciate you when they just aren’t capable.”—Unknown
3.“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

4.“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.”—Aristotle
5. “If you have earned your self-respect, respect by others is a luxury; if you haven’t, respect by others is a necessity.”—Nassim Nicholas Taleb
6. “A courageous man prefers death to the surrender of self-respect.”—Mahatma Gandhi

7. “The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within—strength, dignity, and courage.”—Ruby Dee
8. “No person and no relationship is worth compromising your dignity and self-respect.”—Deodatta V. Shenia-Khatkhate
9. “Self-respect refers to loving oneself and behaving with honor and dignity.”Respect Essay for Students and Children, Toppr

10. “Perhaps the surest test of an individual’s integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.”—Thomas S. Monson
11. “We end up attracting and receiving only as much respect and love as we give ourselves.”—Diana Lucas Flemma,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
12. “Self-respect is about caring but not carrying others’ suggestions, being curious to learn from them, but staying aligned with your personal values.”—Nefeli Soteriou,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021

13. “Respect is not imposed nor begged. It’s earned and offered.”—Marlon Brando,The Godfather
14. “Mother, father, preacher, teacher, I’m not here to tell you how to live your life, I am simply inviting you to be brave enough to author your own life, to come up with your own definitions, and to think for yourself.”—Alexis Jones,Redefining Manhood, Tedx, 2017

Self-respect walk away quotes

Don’t be afraid to walk away from people or situations. Respecting yourself should always be your number one priority. If being with someone makes you compromise your self-respect, then they are not for you. Life goes on, with or without them.

If you are someone who suffers from low self-esteem, then it might be difficult for you to have healthy relationships both with yourself and others.


1. “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”—Robert Tew
2.“When you respect yourself, you know when to say ‘no.’”—Dr. De’Andrea Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
3.“Sometimes God doesn’t give you what you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve better.”-Solitary Reaper

4.“Give yourself enough respect to walk away from someone who doesn’t see your worth.”—Unknown
5. “Cutting negative people from my life does not mean I hate them; it simply means I respect me.”—Marilyn Monroe
6. “Life goes on, with or without you.”—George Harrison

7. “When someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.”—Robert Tew
8. “Respect yourself, respect your own inner voice and follow it.”—Osho
9. “Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.”—Unknown

10. “Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals, and self-worth.”—Mel Almaric Edmund
11. “Sometimes you have to leave, not for ego but for self-respect.”—Unknown
12. “Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.”—Unknown

13. “Cutting people out of my life does not mean I hate them, it simply means I respect me.”—Unknown
14. “Being honest with yourself is the highest form of self-respect. If you’re not feeling something, don’t do it.”—Unknown
15.“Saying ‘yes’ or ‘maybe’ when we mean ‘no,’ cheapens our word, diminishes our sense of self-respect, and compromises our integrity.”—Paulo Coelho

16. “Don’t lower your standards for anyone or anything. Self-respect is everything.”—Hanifa Suleman
17. “Don’t compromise on your values to please others. Keep your self-respect intact and walk away.”—Unknown

If you are unsure about a friendship, check out this article abouthow you can know when to end a friendship.

Love and self-respect quotes

Having a deep and loving relationship with yourself is an important part of knowing your worth. The following quotes will inspire you to make loving and respecting yourself your number one priority.

1. “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”—Michel de Montaigne
2.“Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them.”—Unknown
3.“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”—Robert Holden

4.“如果我们不保持自己高自尊,then others will consciously or unconsciously not see nor treat us with respect either.”—Jessica Elizabeth Opert,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
5. “Doing great to yourself is another kind of respect.”—Unknown
6. “Not one drop of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me.”—Unknown

7. “Self-respect is a state of recognition that a person is just as important and worthy as any other human.”—Lisa S. Larsen,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021
8. “Nothing resembles selfishness more closely than self-respect.”—Unknown
9. “Self-respect is considered to be based on one’s capacity for rationality and leads to behaviors that promote autonomy, such as independence, self-control, and tenacity.”—Constance E. Roland and Richard M. Foxx,Self-Respect: A Neglected Concept, 2010

10. “When you love yourself, you feel good, you value your attributes, your talents, your skills, and your abilities.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
11. “Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for.”—Mark Manson
12. “Love yourself enough to surround yourself with people who respect you.”—Unknown

13. “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality, and duplicate it.”—Bruce Lee
14. “Love is a combination of friendship, passion, and respect.”—John Glenn
15.“I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.”—Charlotte Bronte


Self-respect and self-love quotes

Self-respect andself-lovego hand in hand. You cannot love yourself while also allowing yourself or others to treat you poorly. You deserve the best. Inspire moreself-love in your life with the following quotes.

1. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”—Thich Nhat Hanh
2.“如果你想增加你的自尊,停下来p comparing yourself with others or trying to keep up with them.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
3.“Self-respect is being kind, accepting and loving to oneself just as one would be to any other loved one.”—Lisa S. Larsen,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021

4.“Self-respect is a form of self-love wherein a person values his or her own unique and unrepeatable approach to living life.”—Hanalei Vierra,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021
5. “Don’t put yourself down just to avoid criticism, to please others, or to show your ‘kindness.’ The world needs your light, not mediocrity.”—Paulo Coelho
6. “How can you love someone else if you don’t love yourself?“—Jesse D. Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021


7. “I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.”—Rita Mae Brown
8. “Gaining self-respect is about learning your worth, knowing your value, and advocating for yourself, as needed.”—Dr. De’Andrea Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
9. “Your problem is you’re too busy holding onto your unworthiness.”—Ram Dass

10. “It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people but care more about their opinion than our own.”—Marcus Aurelius
11. “To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves—here lies the great, the singular power of self-respect.”—Joan Didion

Check out thesequotes about self-esteemif you want a quick pick-me-up.

Attitude and self-respect quotes

Having high self-esteem will allow you to have deep confidence in yourself. Although some people associate confidence with arrogance, having confidence in ourselves allows us to get the most out of our lives. Inspire moreconfidence in yourself with the following quotes.

1. “Don’t waste your words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”—Unknown
2.“If you want to increase your self-respect, embrace who you are and hold your head high.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
3.“Having respect for yourself also gives you the courage to put your needs before those of others.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019

4.“Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions. Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.”—Unknown
5. “It might take me longer to get to the top, but that’s because I’m carrying my self-respect with me.”—Unknown
6. “My attitude will always be based on how you treat me.”—Unknown

7. “If you have self-respect for yourself… you are more likely to pursue your dreams without caring about your reputation even if you fail.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
8. “People with self-respect put their foot down if they are required to do something that does not resonate with their values.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
9. “You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect; you should expect it.”—Sarah Dessen

10. “A self-respecting person has the ability to recognize his or her own strengths and limitations and views limitations as areas of growth rather than permanent signs of failure.”—Lisa S. Larsen,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021
11. “Externally, be humble. Internally, be confident.”—James Clear
12. “The reason self-respect is so important is that it is the gift we give ourselves when we become less motivated to please others in order to get their approval and more motivated to live a life of authenticity and personal integrity despite whatever anyone else thinks about us.”—Hanalei Vierra,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021

13. “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.”—Abraham J. Heschel
14. “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your power belt, that’s real power.”—Clint Eastwood
15.“自制力是self-res的主要元素pect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.”—Thucydides

16. “I’m not a backup plan and most definitely not a second choice.”—Unknown

Positive self-respect quotes

Choosing to show yourself more respect, whether that means changing how you speak to yourself or how you set boundaries with others, is one of the most positive changes you can make in your life. It’s not a change you can make overnight, but it will definitely be worth it. Inspire more self-respect in your life with the following quotes.


1. “You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”—Louise Hayes
2.“The backbone of self-respect is knowing your values and living by them.”—Diana Lucas Flemma,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
3.“If you want to be happy, you should start by respecting yourself. Only then can you be happy without depending on others for your happiness.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019

4.“Having boundaries for every area of your life is the best description of self-respect.”—Dr. De’Andrea Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
5. “Self-respect is not based on success, intelligence or superiority over others. Instead, self-respect is intrinsic.”—Anastasia Belyh,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
6. “Show[ing] self-respect means not being overly self-critical, judgmental, or restrictive.”—Danielle Dowling,12 Ways to Show Yourself Respect, 2020

7. “Letting others know what isn’t OK doesn’t make you a bad person; it makes you a strong and respectable person. When you stop saying ‘yes’ to things you don’t want to do, you create more time and energy to engage with the activities and people that do make you happy.”—Danielle Dowling,12 Ways to Show Yourself Respect, 2020
8. “Self-respect is the ability to have a sense of honor and dignity for yourself and your choices.”—Caleb Backe,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
9. “When we take the time to hone in on our core values and begin working to live by them, we then begin to exude self-confidence and self-respect.”—Diana Lucas Flemma,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021


10. “[Self-respect is] the belief that you are worthy of love, attention, and respect, and you are no less than anyone else.”—Jesse D. Matthews,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021
11. “‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.’ Talking nicely also applies when you’re talking to yourself.”—Victoria Moran

Ego and self-respect quotes

There is a big difference between having an ego and being deeply respectful of yourself. Self-respect comes with knowing that you deserve the best and shouldn’t be something you need to prove to others. Inspire true confidence in yourself with the following quotes about ego and self-respect.

1. “Ego is false confidence. Respect is true confidence.”—Naval Ravikant
2.“Showing yourself respect does not make you narcissistic or conceited. In fact, it does quite the opposite. When we respect ourselves, we are more worthy of receiving love and, in turn, giving love to others.”—Danielle Dowling,12 Ways to Show Yourself Respect, 2020
3.“Work to improve yourself, not prove yourself.”—Joshua Becker

4.“Self-respect can be an extension of your ego or a priceless virtue.”—Unknown
5. “Happiness blooms in the presence of self-respect and the absence of ego.”—Unknown
6. “[Self-respect] isn’t about ego or understanding your own importance, but about how you see yourself and your value.”—Caleb Backe,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021

7. “Self-respect is the respect you have for yourself, while ego is your understanding of your own importance.”—Irina Yugay,This is Why Self-Respect is Crucial for Happiness, 2019
8. “Self-respect does not mean arrogance, grand-standing, bragging, or pushing other people around.”—Lisa S. Larsen,What is Self-respect and Why is it Important?2021
9. “[Self-acceptance is] not the need for adoration or perfection but rather a balance between acceptance and willingness and openness to grow, push, and change.”—Carrie Krawiec,What is Self Respect and Why is it Important?2021

10. “Respect is not something that you can ever demand in your life.”—Sadhguru
11. “There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. ‘Good pride’ represents our dignity and self-respect. ‘Bad pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.”—John C. Maxwell

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board.Follow on Twitterorread more.

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