220 Questions To Ask A Girl You Like

When you like a special girl, it’s not always easy knowing what to say. With the right question, you can get to know her better, and maybe even spark her interest. In this list, you’ll find plenty of good questions you can ask her online or next time you meet.


  1. Questions to get to know her
  2. Personal questions
  3. Deep questions
  4. Flirty questions
  5. Funny questions
  6. Questions to ask to see if she likes you
  7. Flirty questions to ask over text
  8. Interesting questions to ask over text
  9. Random questions
  10. Awkward questions

Questions to ask a girl to get to know her

Now that you have met a new girl you like, the next step is to get to know her. Ask these questions and get to know her. These questions can be asked the first time you meet – both online or on a date.

1. Where were you born and raised?
2. What’s your most addictive pastime activity?
3. Have you ever written any poetry?

4. Have you ever kept a diary?
5. Have you tried smoking as a kid?
6.Are you proud of your country?

7.When traveling, do you prefer to visit well-known touristy places or try to blend in with the locals?
8. Has your opinion on your hometown changed much throughout the years?
9.Do you like puzzles and headscratchers?

10.Do you get cranky from hunger?
11. Do you like to get creative?
12. How often do you like to meet up with your friends?

13. What kinda stuff do you daydream about?
14.Are hot air balloons romantic or lame?
15. Have you ever wanted to be an outlaw?

16. What do you think of when you smell freshly cut grass?
17. Do you have a dream which you have no actual intention of pursuing?
18. Did you have any hobbies as a kid that you stopped doing?

19. Has anyone in your family ever fought in a war?
20. Do you ever get angry while playing video games?
21. How would you describe yourself to a stranger that you want to befriend?

22. Excluding bare essentials, what are some of the most important things to have a comfortable home?
23. What age would you rather stay forever?
24. Is there any form of media you don’t feel guilty about pirating?

25. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
26. What’s the best film score ever written?
27. Were your parents strict?

28. What do you like the most about yourself?
29. How do you feel about people who trash talk all their exes?
30. Who’s your favorite fictional character?

31. Do you like antiques?
32. What game are you pretty good at?

Personal questions to ask a girl

After knowing her in general, you can narrow down and get to know her at a personal level. She will likely be able to answer these questions once she is comfortable being around you and chatting with you. Once she knows all the basics about you, then you can go on and ask any of these questions.

1. Did you ever get mixed up with the “wrong crowd”?
2. What kinda relationship did you have with your parents while growing up?
3. Do you keep in touch with your classmates from school or the university?

4. Have you ever cried because of a celebrity dying?
5. What’s your first memory in life?
6.Have you often felt misunderstood?

7.What’s the most addictive thing you’ve ever tried?
8. What’s the most emotional piece of music that’s ever been written?
9.What do you think about astrology?

10.Have you ever felt like you truly lost yourself?
11. What’s the most important thing in a friend to you?
12. How was your first love?

13. Have you ever felt like everyone around you is crazy?
14.Would you ever sacrifice a good relationship for a career?
15. Have you ever experienced uncontrollable violent thoughts?

16. How do you decide on what to share with your parents?
17. What’s the most shameful moment of your life?
18. What type of people do you look up to?

19. What kind of stuff did you do with your friends as a kid?
20. Has your dream ever crumbled before your very eyes?
21. Would you get plastic surgery done if your significant other wanted you to get it?

22. Which emotion are you most familiar with?
23. Are you good at dealing with toxic people?

Deep questions to ask a girl

These questions will likely spark some deep and intriguing conversations. Once you are ready to understand her perception of the world and why she makes certain decisions, you can go on and ask her thesedeep questions. Remember to be open-minded and be ready for answers that might be different from yours.

1. Are we born with a purpose?
2. Are there any instances where actions don’t speak louder than words?
3. What’s the most taboo thing for you?

4. Would you rather be super beautiful or super-rich?
5. Is it better to have a drinking problem when you’re in your 20s or when you’re in your 90s?
6.Do you believe in God?

7.If you believe in God, have you ever lost faith?
8. If you don’t believe in God, have you ever had a moment when you prayed to God?
9.Life: just how unfair is it, exactly?

10.What would the grim reaper do if we all got wiped off the planet?
11. Do we have free will?
12. Is it ever too late to start a new life?

13. Is hatred useful for anything?
14.Could God create something more powerful than God?
15. What’s the difference between self-expression and creativity?

16. Would you rather die young, or live long enough to see all your friends and family die?
17. How do you view people that hurt themselves intentionally?
18. What goals do you hope to achieve in life before you die?

19. Would you rather be the best of the worst or the worst of the best?
20. What makes something art?
21. What’s one fear you have that you’d love to get over?

22. What do you think about the Free Love movement?
23. Are you afraid of dying? Why?
24. They say there’s more than meets the eye… how much more is there, do you think?

Flirty questions to ask a girl you like

When you like a girl, it can be difficult to figure out what to say. You will likely be anxious and scared to say something that will drive her away. These questions will help you break the ice, and she will likely get the hint that you like her.

1. How often do you feel beautiful?
2. What do you think is your best feature, appearance-wise?
3. Do you like to cuddle?

4. What’s the most beautiful flower?
5. What’s the first thing you noticed about me?
6.什么地方你find romantic?

7.Which acts do you consider romantic?
8. What age would you want to peak at?
9.What would your dream date look like?

11. Can you dance?
12. Okay, but do you dance?

13. Okay, but will you go for a dance with me?
14.Do you like being naughty and doing what you’re not supposed to?
15. How would you describe yourself?

16. Do you like sleeping naked?
17. When’s the best time for closeness?
18. How often do you like to get physical?

19. Do you mind being single?
20. How would you spend a weekend with me?
21. Is there anything you want to ask me but never do?

If you’ve already got a relationship going on, you might like this article ondeep questions to ask your girlfriend.

Funny questions to ask a girl to make her laugh

Thesefun questionswill make her laugh, which makes it easy for you both to keep the conversation going. Use any of these questions whenever you feel like the conversation is dying and she is starting to get bored.

1. Do you ever participate in staring contests with kids in public?
2. What would your version of heaven look like?
3. What’s the silliest misconception you had as a kid?

4. What’s the funniest name you’ve ever encountered?
5. If you were a heavy metal singer, what would you sing (or scream, or growl) about?
6.If you could have one person be your butler (living or dead), who would it be?

7.What’s the funniest, most random situation where you had to go “Thanks, but no thanks”?
8. What are the two most unlikely ingredients you’ve ever experimentally put together in a dish?
9.Is there a food you love so much that you hate it?

10.Is life a bitch or is life a beach?
11. Pickles vs. cucumbers: which one wins?
12. Do you ever drink a coffee way too close to bedtime while asking yourself “why”?

13. Would you rather be a miserable drunk throughout your entire life and live to be 80 years old, or lead a very happy, healthy life that ends before you hit 30?
14.What would you fill your bathtub with, excluding water, milk, or the blood of virgins?
15. What’s the funniest-sounding word you know?

16. What’d you do if you ended up naked and without any possessions in a strange city?
17. Do you often get weirdos hitting on you?
18. Do you have any fears that are so irrational that they’re funny?

19. What’s the stupidest song lyric you’ve ever misheard?
20. Is there a food you wouldn’t eat for a million dollars?
21. If you had to smell one alcoholic beverage for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Questions to ask a girl to see if she likes you

When you like a girl, it’s natural to want to know that she likes you back before you tell her how you feel. Knowing that she has some sort of interest in you can help make you comfortable to tell them that you like her. These questions are a great way to know how she would handle situations that involve you. Her answers will show whether she likes you or not.

1. What’s your first association when you think about me?
2. What traits would you hate to see in a potential partner?
3. Oh dude, imagine the world is gone, and it’s just you and me?

4. If someone stole my puppies, would you help me find and punish the bastards that did it?
5. Can you imagine us holding hands and taking a walk by the sea on a warm summer night?
6.If you were writing a novel loosely based on me, what kinda story would you go with?

8. What do you like to see in a potential partner?
9.Do you have a crush on anyone right now?

10.Have you ever wanted to fake your own death, leave everything behind and just disappear forever?
11. Do you mind me bothering you all of a sudden?
12. Would you rather cook with me, or for me?

13. When do you feel lonely the most?
14.What would you do if I gave you a hug?
15. I like you. Do you like me?

16. If Karma’s real, what have I done to get acquainted with you?
17. What makes someone attractive to you?
18. What kind of song would you write about me?

19. If you had to make a speech at my funeral, what would you say?

Flirty questions to ask a girl over text

So, you got her number, or you got in contact with her over social media. Now, keeping the conversation going over text can be challenging, mostly because you are not seeing her body language. These flirty questions will keep the conversation interesting. Ask her any of these questions when she is on the phone and can chat. These questions can also work well for social media such as Facebook, Instagram, or dating apps like Bumble.

1. Is love something calm or something fierce?
2. How do you feel during springtime?
3. Are you ticklish?

4. Do you have any clothing with a history?
5. Would you go for a hug right about now?
6.Do you like to chill in a bathtub?

7.How long was your previous relationship?
8. Does it make more sense to purposefully seek out love or just wait for it to happen?
9.整天好看必须耗尽……else have you been up to?

10.Do you like the look of tattooed bodies?
11. How can you tell that you’re in love with someone?
12. Do you like kissing?

13. What’s the best ending to a perfect date?
14.If we were married and I got sick, what would you cook for me to keep me alive?
15. Has anyone ever mentioned you have very beautiful eyes?

16. Are you sensitive?
17. Is it okay for a girl to make the first move?
18. You do know that I like you, right?

19. What’s your favorite romantic comedy?

Interesting questions to ask a girl over text

When texting a girl, the last thing you want is to be boring. These questions will ensure that you keep the conversation interesting. The best time to ask these questions is before the conversation becomes dull.

1. What do you do to make the time pass faster?
2. Do you often want time to go faster?
3. Do you feel anything when you look at photos of your ancestors, the ones you’ve never met, that lived way before your time?

4. Have you ever seen something that you could only explain as supernatural? What do you think about such occurrences?
5. Excluding the media, do you often see racism around you?
6.Do you think extraterrestrials exist?

7.Do you know anyone who treats others better than themselves?
8. Why do people very rarely talk about any positive effects of dangerous drugs?
9.Are you fond of any subculture that you’re not a part of?

10.Have you ever felt that a band you used to like has “sold out”?
11. Do security cameras give you the feeling of safety or make you uncomfortable?
12. As a girl, do you mind jokingly being referred to as a “dude” or a “bro” or “man”?

13. Have you ever thought up possible names for your future kid, even though you were a child yourself at the time?
14.Should people be punished for having an unpopular or a controversial opinion?
15. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be themed around?

16. What’s one thing everyone seems to love that you just don’t get?
17. How do you get that initial fear of doing something for the first time?
18. Has anyone ever done anything heroic for your sake?

19. What transport do you prefer for traveling, and why?
20. Do you think the major news outlets are generally trustworthy?
21. Who do you look up to?

22. When is “the more complicated, the better” true?

Random questions to ask a girl

One of the best ways to ensure that your conversation is memorable is to ask random questions. Ask any of these questions and brace yourself for some interesting and funny answers.

1. What’s the weirdest dish you ever cooked?
2. Contact lenses vs. eyeglasses?
3. What’s the best pasta sauce?

4. Do you ever get the feeling you lost something, even though you didn’t?
5. Do you ever change your walking pace just to get away from someone who’s walking nearby?
6.Has anyone you know ever lost money because of a bank?

7.Do you prefer tattoos that are made up of images or words?
8. Are you ever afraid of the cooks spitting into your food or drinks when you’re eating out?
9.When’s the best time for a cup of coffee?

10.War: what is it good for?
11. Do you often find money lying on the street?
12. Did you ever have to run away from danger? Have you noticed running way faster than you’re normally capable of?

13. Do you know how many countries there are in the world at the moment?
14.Ever got bitten by a tick?
15. Which famous person do you look like the most?

16. How do you feel about filling out paperwork?
17. How often do you talk to your parents?
18. Do you trim your nails with a clipper or scissors?

19. Have you ever played the same video game over and over again way too many times?
20. What’s the cutest animal?

Awkward questions to ask a girl

These awkward questions can be an interesting shift from the typical conversations. These are probably questions she has never been asked before, so only ask her when you are confident that she is comfortable answering them.

1. Have you ever felt jealous of your friend’s success in a romantic relationship?
2. Do you have a racist family member?
3. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?

4. Have you ever fainted?
5. Do you ever feel needy?
6.What’s the stupidest thing you’ve said publicly?

7.How much money do you make?
8. Has your ex ever made you do something you didn’t want to do that you’ve regretted later on?
9.Do you fart openly or try to conceal it as much as possible? What’s your process, and how do you approach the problem?

10.Have you ever considered suicide?
11. Do you have any weird fantasies that maybe you’re ashamed of?
12. Were you ever arrested?

13. Do you ever check your exes’ social media?
14.Do you always try to be honest?
15. Were you ever abused as a child?

16. Have you ever not paid your taxes?
17. Do you think I’m ugly?
18. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called your mother to her face?

19. Have you ever felt attracted to someone you shouldn’t be attracted to?

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board.Follow on Twitterorread more.

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